
The study is an attempt to recognise the contributions of the Total Quality Management & Business Excellence journal and its editorial team toward the development of the field of quality management. The authors performed a bibliometric analysis on the Scopus-indexed publications of the journal from 2003 to 2022 using the VOSviewer software package. This study outlines the findings through various analyses of bibliographic data relating to citations, contributing authors, country-wise contributions, and keywords used. The research found that the journal has a solid reputation among researchers across the globe, with publications coming from all continents. The average number of citations per document is approximately 24, which portrays the quality and recognition of the works published in the journal. The journal consistently accepted and published research articles relevant to the scope, as reflected through the keyword analysis. The top three contributors to the journal in terms of documents and total citations are Dahlgaard, Dahlgaard-Park, and Antony. The journal’s editorial board has made a very noteworthy contribution to the growth of the journal and the development of the field of quality management.

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