
Sensors can capture and scan many objects in real time for military, security, health and industrial applications. Sensorscan be made smaller, cheaper and more energy efficient due to rapid changes in technology. Low-cost sensors areattractive alternatives to high cost laser scanners in recent years. The Kinect sensor can measure depth data with lowcost and high resolution by scanning the environment. In this study, this sensor collected data on users in front of ascanner, and the depth data results were tested. The process was repeated with four different body positions, and theresults were analysed. The sensor data was reliable versus real measurements. When compared the depth data takenby the sensor with the real measures, the reliability rate is found significance. The difference between the depth imagedata of different users, different positions and different body measures and real data is 0.35 to 1.15 cm. This shows thatthe sensor’s results are close to real data. When the accuracy of the sensor against real measurements is examined,it is seen that these values are between 98.46 % and 99.6 %. Thus, this depth image sensor is reliable and can be usedas an alternative and cheaper way for body measurements.

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