
We present compiler analyses and optimizations for explicitly parallel programs that communicate through a shared address space. Any type of code motion on explicitly parallel programs requires a new kind of analysis to ensure that operations reordered on one processor cannot be observed by another. The analysis, calledcycle detection, is based on work by Shasha and Snir and checks for cycles among interfering accesses. We improve the accuracy of their analysis by using additional information fromsynchronization analysis, which handles post–wait synchronization, barriers, and locks. We also make the analysis efficient by exploiting the common code image property of SPMD programs. We make no assumptions on the use of synchronization constructs: our transformations preserve program meaning even in the presence of race conditions, user-defined spin locks, or other synchronization mechanisms built from shared memory. However, programs that use linguistic synchronization constructs rather than their user-defined shared memory counterparts will benefit from more accurate analysis and therefore better optimization. We demonstrate the use of this analysis for communication optimizations on distributed memory machines by automatically transforming programs written in a conventional shared memory style into a Split-C program, which has primitives for nonblocking memory operations and one-way communication. The optimizations includemessage pipelining, to allow multiple outstanding remote memory operations, conversion of two-way to one-way communication, and elimination of communication through data reuse. The performance improvements are as high as 20–35% for programs running on a CM-5 multiprocessor using the Split-C language as a global address layer. Even larger benefits can be expected on machines with higher communication latency relative to processor speed.

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