
This article reports the results of a multiparametrical analysis of Mongolian Long Song, characterised by multiple ornamentation and shows the similarities between the laryngeal behaviour observed during these ornamentations and the compensatory gesture produced by patients after supracricoid partial laryngectomy. This study includes (1) a physiological analysis of videofiberscopic laryngeal data from a healthy Mongolian singer and from three non-singer French-speaking clinical patients; and (2) an acoustical analysis (fundamental frequency and intensity). For the singer, the fiberoptic analysis showed two main laryngeal behaviours in producing ornamentations: (1) ‘lyrical’ vibratos mobilising the entire laryngeal block; (2) ‘Mongolian’ trills with essentially supraglottic movements, the arytenoids being mobilised independently of the rest of the laryngeal block. Patients demonstrated similar aryepiglottic trilling to fulfil a function of voicing. The acoustic analysis showed that the fundamental frequency and the intensity were in phase for vibrato, contrary to the ‘Mongolian’ trills which were in opposite phase, underlying a change of laryngeal vibratory mechanisms.

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