
Significant work has already been done for complex quadratics. However, the dynamics of rational functions and their properties are equally interesting. In this paper we have generated computer images from a C++ computer program. We have then developed an artificial neural network model using predictive modeling software based on RMS type of error out of two samples of points obtained from the generated images. The imaginary part of sample II was predicted by applied the real parts of sample I and sample II to the artificial neural network. The real part of sample II was more important than the real part of sample I in predicting the imaginary part of sample II. The predicted imaginary part of sample II was then imported to Matlab Signal Processing Tool (SPTool) via Matlab workspace. We have applied a stable band pass filter to the model to eliminate noise from it for its analysis. A modulated signal produced reveals that the methodology used shall be applied to explore properties of computer generated images from the generated wavelet. We have further imported the predicted imaginary part of sample II to autoSIGNAL software for time and frequency range analysis of the continuous wavelet transform.

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