
In the Painleve–Gullstrand (PG) reference frame, the description of elementary particles in the background of a black hole (BH) is similar to the description of non-relativistic matter falling toward the BH center. The velocity of the fall depends on the distance to the center, and it surpasses the speed of light inside the horizon. Another analogy to non-relativistic physics appears in the description of the massless fermionic particle. Its Hamiltonian inside the BH, when written in the PG reference frame, is identical to the Hamiltonian of the electronic quasiparticles in type II Weyl semimetals (WSII) that reside in the vicinity of a type II Weyl point. When these materials are in the equilibrium state, the type II Weyl point becomes the crossing point of the two pieces of the Fermi surface called Fermi pockets. It was previously stated that there should be a Fermi surface inside a black hole in equilibrium. In real materials, type II Weyl points come in pairs, and the descriptions of the quasiparticles in their vicinities are, to a certain extent, inverse. Namely, the directions of their velocities are opposite. In line with the mentioned analogy, we propose the hypothesis that inside the equilibrium BH there exist low-energy excitations moving toward the exterior of the BH. These excitations are able to escape from the BH, unlike ordinary matter that falls to its center. The important consequences to the quantum theory of black holes follow.

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