
Part I: RF Circuits: wide band, Front-Ends, DAC's. 1. Ultrawideband Transceivers. 2. High Data Rate Transmission overWireless Local Area Networks. 3. Low Power Bluetooth Single-Chip Design. 4. RF DAC's. 5. High Speed Bandpass ADC's. 6. High Speed DAC's.Part II: Design Methodology and Verification of RF and Mixed-Signal Systems. 1. Design methodology and model generation for complex analog blocks. 2. Automated Macromodelling for Simulation of Signals and Noise in Mixed-Signal/RF Systems. 3. A new methodology for system verification of RFIC circuit blocks. 4. Platform-based RF-System Design. 5. Practical Test and BIST Solutions for High Performance Data Converters. 6. Simulation of functional mixed signal test.Part III: Low Power and Low Voltage. 1. The Effect of Technology Scaling on Power Dissipation in Analog Circuits. 2. Low-Voltage, Low-Power Basic Circuits. 3. 0.5 V Analog Integrated Circuits. 4. Limits on ADC Power Dissipation. 5. Ultra Low-Power Low-Voltage Analog Integrated Filter Design. 6. Wireless Inductive Transfer of Power and Data. EAN/ISBN : 9781402038853 Publisher(s): Springer Netherlands Discussed keywords: Analogschaltung Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Steyaert, Michiel Huijsing, Johan H. Roermund, Arthur H.M. van

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