
The research aims to find any lingual elements and meanings used by advertisers in “Sampoerna Hijau” Cigarette advertisements on Youtube. There are 5 editions of advertisements that are analized, “Edisi Dateng Kondangan”, “Edisi Selfie di Kondangan”, “Edisi Minum Es Kacang Ijo”, “Edisi Punyaku Lebih Nikmat” and the last is “Edisi Hijau Panas”. Seven Types of Meaning theory by Leech is used on this research. This study is design in a qualitative research. Researcher collected the data using observation methods. Then in the analysis of research data using Agih method with the basic technique that is Bagi Unsur Langsung or BUL techniques. The BUL method and technique are used by researcher to analyze the signs and forms found in Sampoerna Hijau cigarette advertisements so that they can easily classify these lingual signs and forms. The researcher found that the lingual form in the five editions of Sampoerna Hijau Cigarette Advertisements, namely: 10 interrogative sentences, 13 imperative sentences, 13 declarative sentences, 14 exclamation sentences, 2 nouns and 1 adjective. The meanings found in each lingual form are 5 meanings, with the following description: sentences that contain reflections as many as 12 sentences, sentences containing affective meanings of 22 sentences, sentences containing conceptual meanings of 15 sentences, sentences that contains a colloquial meaning of 2 sentences and the last sentence that contains connotative meaning of 1 sentence.

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