
The aim of this descriptive, non-experimental research is to highlight certain characteris- tics of writing a lesson plan, significant for students of French - future French language teach- ers, as a new text type which is being compared to writing genres students are already famil- iar with, especially with a commanding-instructive one. The conceptual framework for the research is provided by French for specific purposes, a specific branch of French as a foreign language, i.e. by the disciplines that contributed to its development – text linguistics and dis- course analysis. In order to achieve the set objectives, the standard procedure within French for specific purposes was applied – a linguistic analysis of the relevant material: a lesson plan preparation model in a glottodidactic journal Le Français dans le monde, two textbooks used for future French language teachers education (Écrit et gestion du tableau: de la compréhen- sion à la production; Oral et gestion du tableau: de la compréhension à la production) and one teacher handbook (Club@ados 4). The research results show certain enunciating, graphic and linguistic characteristics, for example: the absence of enunciator’s hints; the usage of on as a pronoun, the usage of impersonal constructions, infinitives, nouns, the passive voice; the usage of the imperative and ’the near future’ in instructions, as well as the usage of certain connectors and professional terms, graphic highlighting in the text plan and schematic pres- entation of the whiteboard, etc. The conclusion is that the numerous elements students should pay attention to, demand both the preparation phase, which activates their ethnolinguistic competence, and the careful planning of the gradual introduction into the lesson plan writing techniques.

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