
Along the development of the era of PT Pertamina it is deemed necessary to have business partners, especially oil and gas consultant company, PT Rinder Energia. It is expected that this business partner will have a positive impact for both parties, especially PT Pertamina as BUMN. One of the products that will be agreed by both parties is map map. This map map is a cutting-edge tool that will help PT Pertamina in exploring and producing better oil and gas. The formulation of the issues to be raised is how the rights and obligations of the parties in the contract of sale and purchase map map between PT Rinder Energia with PT Pertamina, whether the contract of sale and purchase map map is in accordance with the principles of contract law in Indonesia and how the form of dispute settlement In a contract between PT Rinder Energia and PT Pertamina Indonesia. The purpose and benefit of this research is to know the form of rights and obligations of the parties in the contract of sale and purchase map map between PT Rinder Energia with PT Pertamina. To find out the form of dispute settlement in contract between PT Rinder Energia and PT Pertamina Indonesia. The results of this study may be additional refrentions for students, lecturers, or readers interested in Civil Law, in particular Contract Law. This type of research is normative juridical that describes the review and explain and analyze normative provisions associated with the contents of the contract or agreement between PT. Rinder Energia with PT. Pertamina Indonesia in buying and selling map map. The research undertaken aims to examine the rules contained in a contract that has been agreed upon by both parties in accordance with applicable legislation. The implementation of the sale and purchase agreement in the form of a map between PT.RINDER ENERGIA and PT.PERTAMINA is basically an agreement born from the principle of freedom of contract. If one party makes a sale in the form of a map between PT.Rinder Energia and PT.Pertamina Indonesia then the dispute must be submitted to the arbitration tribunal in accordance with the provisions of BANI.


  • This article discusses how the rights and obligations of the parties in the map sale and purchase contract between PT Rinder Energia and PT Pertamina

  • The results of this study found that the implementation of the sale and purchase agreement of goods in the form of a map between the two parties is basically an agreement born from the principle of freedom of contract

  • Sesuai dengan isi kesepakatan dalam perjanjian, Jika salah satu pihak melakukan wanprestasi dalam jual beli barang berupa peta antara PT Rinder Energia dengan PT Pertamina Indonesia maka sengketa tersebut harus diajukan kepada pengadilan arbitrase sesuai dengan ketentuan Badan Arbitrasi Nasional Indonesia (BANI)

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Maka dalam penelitian ini diambil permasalahannya adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Bagaimana bentuk hak dan kewajiban para pihak dalam kontrak jual beli map peta antara PT Rinder Energia dengan PT Pertamina? Adapun beberapa butir pasal dalam perjanjian antara PT RINDER ENERGIA dengan PT PERTAMINA adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Pihak pertama, PT PERTAMINA, perusahaan yang anggaran dasarnya dimuat dalam akta notaris No 20 tanggal 17 september 2003 dibuat di hadapan Lenny Janis Ishak, S.H notaris di Jakarta, yang telah mendapat pengesahan dari Menteri Kehakiman dan hak asasi manusia Republik Indonesia berkedudukan di Jl. Merdeka Timur No 1A Jakarta Pusat.

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