
Abstract. This research is based on the phenomenon that the condition of tea plantation in Cianjur Regency is abandoned and damaged by the condition of underplanting population, whereas based on the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 46 / Kpts / PD.300 / 1/2015, Kabupaten Cianjur has designated as National Tea Plantation Area. The purpose of this research is to know: 1) Feasibility of Tea Tea farm in Cianjur District; 2) The condition of the tea community trading in Cianjur regency; and 3) The role of farmer institution in the development of Tea people in Cianjur Regency. The research was conducted in 3 (three) sub-districts of Cianjur People's Tea Center namely: Campaka, Takokak, and Sukanegara. The research methodology uses the descriptive and descriptive research with secondary and primary data sources collected through FGD. The result of this research are: (1) Farming Farming (agribusiness) of tea plantation in Cianjur Regency is not economically feasible; (2) Tatuiaga Teh shoot still using the village and / or village collectors trader channel, the margin obtained by farmers and traders of collectors is still reasonable, the added value of processing is still enjoyed quite large by the local green tea processor and dry / black tea; (3) Tea farmers' institutions in improving the bargaining position of farmers in the market have not been effective yet.
 Keywords: People's Tea, Farming, National Plantation Area
 Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilandasi oleh adanya fenomena bahwa kondisi perkebunan Teh rakyat di Kabupaten Cianjur banyak yang terlantar dan rusak dengan kondisi populasi yang underplanting, sedangkan berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Republik Indonesia Nomor 46/Kpts/PD.300/1/2015, Kabupaten Cianjur telah ditetapkan sebagai Kawasan Perkebunan Teh Nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Kelayakan usahatani Teh rakyat di Kabupaten Cianjur; 2)Kondisi tataniaga Teh rakyat di Kabupaten Cianjur; serta 3)Peranan kelembagaan petani dalam pegembangan Teh rakyat di Kabupaten Cianjur. Penelitian dilakukan di 3 (tiga) kecamatan sentra Teh rakyat Kabupaten Cianjur yaitu: Campaka, Takokak, dan Sukanegara. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan penelitiandeskriptif dengan sumber data sekunder dan primer yang dihimpun melalui FGD. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Usahatani (agribisnis) perkebunan Teh rakyat di Kabupaten Cianjur tidak layak secara ekonomi; (2) Tataniaga Teh pucuk masih menggunakan saluran pedagang pengepul desa dan atau Kecamatan, margina yang diperoleh petani dan pedagang pengepul masih wajar, nilai tambah pengolahan masih dinikmati cukup besar oleh pengolah Teh hijau local dan Teh kering/hitam; (3) Kelembagaan petani Teh dalam meningkatkan posisi tawar para petani di pasar belum berfungsi efektif.
 Kata kunci: Teh Rakyat, Usahatani, Kawasan Perkebunan Nasional

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