
The aim of this studyis to identify the self-concept and attachment of This study is an initial study to determine and analyze the level of intelligence of early childhood.Each child has a different level of intelligence, thus affecting the child's ability to complete school assignments and participate in the learning process in the classroom.The purpose of this study is to describe the level of intelligence of early childhood. The research method used is description, research is carried outin TK ISLAM NUSANTARA City Serang ProvinceBanten for 1 week. Sampling technique usedchild aged5 years up to 6 years amount36 child. The results of the study show: (1) the intelligence level of early childhood is in the category above the average of77% amount 28 child, (2) the intelligence level of early childhood is in the average category of6% amount 2 child, (3) the intelligence level of early childhood is in the category below the average of17% amount 6 child. This level of intelligence needs to be known by the classroom teacher at the kindergarten school, in order to help optimize the child's learning process in the classroom. It is recommended for parties related to children such as: class teachers, parents, and the school in planning programs to pay attention to the existence of early childhood intelligence levels.All parties need to carry out serious, sincere, and serious coaching in relation to the development of children's intelligence levels.

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