
The development of forest and land cover classification methods was currently increasing rapidly, one of which is by utilizing remote sensing applications, namely UAV technology. One method with high accuracy that can be used to classify forest and land cover is the object-based image analysis (OBIA) classification method. There is an assumption that the results of orthophoto shooting will look the same at a glance, but each orthophoto result also has a different spatial resolution and affects the detail of each OBIA segmentation. This makes this research important to do how to classify forest and land cover in the Ghimbo Pomuan customary forest, Kenegerian Kampa, Kampar Riau at different flying heights of the UAV. This study aims to map forest and land cover classes based on the UAV flight height and analyze the UAV flight altitude on the resulting land cover classification. The method used is exploration and processing of UAV imagery. Starting with the preparation and determination of observation points, forest and land cover classification using the OBIA method at several UAV flight heights and data analysis. In the Ghimbo Pomuan customary forest area, several land cover classifications were produced using OBIA. The land cover classes include water bodies, forests, oil palm plantations and shrubs. Classification of land cover in the water body class has a tendency of under segmentation at UAV flight height of 120 m. Object details in the oil palm and shrub land cover class were higher at UAV flight heights of 100 m than at 120 m and 130 m, whereas in the forest class there was no difference.

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