
Currently, information and communication technology (ICT) has become an important sector for administering education in schools. The use of Information and Communication Technology is one of the determining aspects in competition. The condition of ICT in Vocational High Schools (SMK) in Lubuklinggau City has not fully used ICT-based applications, several schools that already have ICT applications and infrastructure are built themselves and are managed according to local needs both in the administration section and the support units. Meanwhile, on the other hand, there are still aspects of the public that are not yet based on ICTs with inadequate ICT facilities / infrastructure to support the success of organizational goals in the field of education optimally. For this reason, the researcher wants to help the Education Office of the City of Lubuklinggau to plan a technology strategy and information system that can be used as a guide in the ICT strategic plan. This study uses the SWOT / TOWS matrix as one of the methods applied for internal analysis in order to produce strategic planning proposals for ICT development for vocational schools in Lubuklinggau City.


  • Information and communication technology (ICT) has become an important sector for administering education in schools

  • infrastructure to support the success of organizational goals in the field

  • help the Education Office of the City of Lubuklinggau to plan a technology strategy and information system that can be used as a guide in the information and communication technology (ICT) strategic plan

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Globalisasi yang terjadi saat ini di dunia pendidikan, lingkungan sosial, ekonomi, teknologi, sampai politik mengharuskan dunia pendidikan memikirkan kembali bagaimana perubahan tersebut mempengaruhinya sebagai sebuah institusi sosial dan bagaimana harus berinteraksi dengan perubahan tersebut. Salah satu perubahan lingkungan yang sangat mempengaruhi dunia pendidikan adalah hadirnya Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi (SI/TI). Kondisi teknologi dan sistem informsi pada SMK di Kota Lubuklinggau saat ini belum sepenuhnya menggunakan aplikasi yang berbasis TIK, beberapa sekolah yang sudah memiliki aplikasi dan infrastruktur TIK di bangun sendiri dan di kelolah sesuai kebutuhan local baik pada bagian tata usaha maupun unit-unit pendukung. Sementara pada sisi lain justru masih terdapat aspek-aspek yang belum berbasis TIK, dengan sarana/prasarana TIK yang tidak memadai untuk menunjang keberhasilan tujuan organisasi di bidang pendidikan dan kecenderungan kedepan terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan terhadap kebutuhan pengumpulan, penyimpanan dan pendistribusian informasi dalam jumlah besar dan cepat.

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Strategi Growth
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