
<em>Data of Disperindag Bangkalan Regency (2015), shows that Bangkalan Regency has 20 herbal medicine industries. After doing research survey there are some herbal medicine industries that have been inactive, so that this research is conducted to find out alternative strategy that can be used as an effort to develop herbal medicine industry in Bangkalan Regency. This research used analysis of internal environment (IFE) and external (EFE), External-internal matrix (IE), SWOT and QSPM matrix (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix). There are 16 internal factors and 11 external factors. As for alternative strategy there are 5 alternatives obtained from SWOT matrix and IE matrix. In the QSPM matrix, the priority of strategy is 1. Maintain and improve product quality, 2. Increase promotional activities and expand the marketing area,3. Improving relationships with government and other agencies, 4. Maintain company image, and 5. Develop cooperation with other industries outside the region</em>


  • Data Disperindag Kabupaten Bangkalan (2015), menunjukkan bahwa Kabupaten Bangkalan memiliki 20 industri jamu

  • After doing research survey there are some herbal medicine industries that have been inactive, so that this research is conducted to find out alternative strategy that can be used as an effort to develop herbal medicine industry in Bangkalan Regency

  • As for alternative strategy there are 5 alternatives obtained from SWOT matrix and internal matrix (IE) matrix

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Jamu Firdaus

Dinas Perindustrian dan Ketenagakerjaan yang nantinya data tersebut digunakan untuk mencari faktor-faktor internal dan juga eksternal yang meliputi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan juga ancaman. Pada faktor internal digolongkan menjadi faktor manajemen, pemasaran, keuangan, produksi dan juga sumber daya manusia. Sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi faktor ekonomi, sosial, budaya, demografi, lingkungan, pemerintah, teknologi dan kompetitor. 2 merupakan hasil perumusan dan pembobotan faktor internal dan eksternal : Tabel 2. Analisis Matrik IFAS (Internal Factors Analysis Summary)

11. Keahlian dalam meracik jamu
Meningkatkan kegiatan promosi dan memperluas daerah pemasaran
Meningkatkan hubungan dengan pemerintah maupun lembaga lain
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