
This research is a descriptive study where data is collected with the aim of knowing the characteristics and obtaining information about the Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) type of Final Exam questions. The subject of this research is the Biology Final Semester Examination for the 2020/202 Academic Year. This research has two stages, namely: Preparation and implementation stage to obtain documents in the form of school exam questions. Research data were collected through: (1) Problem Analysis, Researchers, biology education lecturers, and biology teachers analyzed each question from 3 characteristics that were fulfilled in each item, namely indicators consisting of stimulus, critical thinking skills, and solving abilities. problem. (2). Carry out FGD (Focus Group Discussion) to determine whether each item is included in the type of stimulus, critical thinking ability, and problem solving ability. (3) Tabulate the data for the results of the analysis of each question number. then the results of the analysis are tabulated on each indicator. The results obtained in this study are almost all HOTS type questions (95%), on the characteristics of almost all items (94.2%) in accordance with the provisions of competency achievement indicators. On the stimulus indicator, all HOTS type questions have a stimulus. Where "half" of the HOTS questions is stimulated by pictures, "less than half" is stimulated by case fragments and a small portion is stimulated by diagrams, tables, and examples. In critical thinking indicators, 91.86% of the "almost all" categories of HOTS questions have critical thinking characteristics, in addition that "a small part" (26.23%) of HOTS questions have problem solving characteristics including problem solving questions with indicators of identifying problems, identifying non-conforming problems, and solving problems based on data.


  • Penilaian merupakan alat yang digunakan guru untuk mengukur dan mengevaluasi kemampuan siswa

  • This research used a descriptive study where data is collected with the aim of knowing the characteristics

  • biology teachers analyzed each question from 3 characteristics that were fulfilled in each item

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Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian desktiptif melalui proses pengumpulan data untuk menggambarkan situasi atau memperoleh informasi mengenai tipe soal. Adapun sampel penelitian ini ialah soal Ujian Semester Akhir Biologi SMA Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021 yang mengikuti protokol kesehatan pada era covid-19. Kuesioner yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner evaluasi kualitas soal berbentuk daftar dengan. Selanjutnya teknik analisis data yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini yaitu analisis deskriptif yang sifatnya isi atau analisis dokumen, adapun mekanisme dari analisisnya adalah sebagai beri kut: 1). Mengelompokkan butir soal Ujian Akhir Semester Sekolah Biologi tingkat SMA yang termasuk dalam kategori HOTS, 2). Perolehan data yang didapatkan dari angket selanjutnya melalui proses FGD kemudian ditabulasikan kedalam tabel, dan 3). Data direkapitulasi dengan cara menghitung persentase dan karakteristik soal tipe HOTS, yaitu stimulus, kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dengan menggunakan rumus. Setelah memperoleh hasil analisis dari tiap-tiap karakteristik baik stimulus, keterampil an berpikir kritis dan keterampilan pemecahan masalah selanjutnya disajikan kedalam bentuk tabel persentase.

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