
This study aims to determine the queuing system for optimization of teller services at Bank Negara Indonesia, Slamet Riyadi Solo Branch Office. The data used in this study is a direct observation of the object of research / observation. The sampling technique uses the Leddy formula because the population cannot be known. The data analysis technique used is manual calculation using the queuing system formulas of many single-stage channels (multiple channel-single phase). The results of this study indicate that there are 2 service lines at Customer Service at Solo Balapan Station. Research hypothesis on Customer Service 1 at Solo Balapan Station that the service, and the average service time is not optimal with the average time to serve a customer > 5 minutes, or 5,6772 minutes, while the company's Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) < 5 minutes, so the researchers made calculations using the addition to 3 Customer Service and were only able to obtain optimal results ie < 5 minutes or 4,8276 minutes occurred in Customer Service 1. The average time customers spent waiting in the queue was 0,47712 minutes. Research hypothesis on Customer Service 2 at Solo Balapan Station that the service, and the average service time is optimal with the average time to serve a customer < 5 minutes, or 4,7952 minutes

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