
The purpose of this study is to determine the average customer arrival level and average service level at the Hyperstore Supermarket and analyze the queuing system by optimizing the number of cashiers that must be set at the Hyperstore Supermarket. The results showed that the queuing model used at the Hyperstore Supermarket is Multi Channel Single Phase by applying the First Come First Serve (FCFS) queuing discipline. The average service level at the Hyperstore Supermarket is 146 people/hour. The current number of lines opened at the Hyperstore Supermarket is 6 cashiers. However, 6 cashier lines are excess even though 3 cashier lines are sufficient. Queue system analysis shows that the optimal number of cashier lines which is 1 cashier line open at 3:00 pm to 4:00, 2 cashier lines open at 16:00 to 19:00 and 3 cashiers lines opened at 19:00 to 20:00
 Keywords: Queue Theory, Multiple Line Queue Model, Cashier, Service Optimization


  • Jasa merupakan sektor ekonomi yang berkembang secara cepat dan jasa merupakan sektor ekonomi terbesar dalam masyarakat maju (Heizer, 2004)

  • The purpose of this study is to determine the average customer arrival level and average service level at the Hyperstore Supermarket and analyze the queuing system by optimizing the number of cashiers that must be set at the Hyperstore Supermarket

  • The results showed that the queuing model used at the Hyperstore Supermarket is Multi Channel Single Phase by applying the First Come First Serve (FCFS) queuing discipline

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Fasilitas Pelayanan

Karakteristiknya meliputi desain dan distribusi statistik waktupelayanan. Model antrian membantu para manajer membuat keputusan untuk menyeimbangkan biaya pelayanan dengan menggunakan biaya antrian meliputi hal berikut: a. Waktu rata-rata yang dihabiskan oleh pelanggan dalam antrian b. Waktu rata-rata yang dihabiskan oleh pelanggan dalam sistem (waktu tunggu ditambah waktu pelayanan) d. Menurut Heizer dan Render (2005), ada beberapa bentuk disiplin pelayanan digunakan yaitu: 1. FCFS (First Come First Served) atau FIFO (First In First Out) artinya, lebih dulu datang (sampai), lebih dahulu dilayani (keluar). 2. LCFS (Last Come First Served) atau LIFO (Last In First Out) artinya, yang tiba terakhir lebih dulu keluar. Sistem antrian dalam elavator untuk lantai yang sama. Struktur Antrian Menurut Heizer dan Render (2005), ada 4 model struktur antrian dasar yang umum terjadi dalam seluruh sistem antrian: 1. Singel Channel berarti bahwa hanya ada satu jalur untuk memasuki sistem pelayanan atau ada satu fasiitas pelayanan

Multi Channel Single Phase
Multi Channel Multi Phase
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