
As the times move forward, technologies are following to develop with the times, especially internet technology. Nowadays, people can find out information about shopping center via the Internet. One of the best-known shopping centers in Bandung is Paris van Java resort lifestyle place. The person's consideration of going to the shopping center is based on the location and opinions of the person who once visited that shop. With a huge amount of opinion and an underlying amount of information that is of great value causes the information to become dangerous if the person misunderstood it. With all these problems, sentiment analysis one of the solution that can prevent the problems of these misunderstanding, in which sentiment analysis works to analyze each text to determine the level of positive or negative sentiment values. In this study, the sentiment analysis dataset goes first to the preprocessing stage, extraction of the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) feature then classified using the K-Nearest Neighbor method, The K-Nearest Neighbor method was chosen because this method is one method that can classify text and data, besides K-Nearest neighbor method has a good classification accuracy where the classification process is easy and quite simple in its implementation. With a system that built using TF-IDF Unigram and Euclidean Distance, the best accuracy value is 88.29%.

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