
This study aims to: (1) determine the production of large chili farming in Sikur Subdistrict, East Lombok Regency; (2) analyzing production risk in large chili farming in Sikur District, East Lombok Regency; (3) analyzing the factors that affect production risk in large chilli farming in Sikur District, East Lombok Regency; (4) determine recommendations for handling production risks in large chili farming in Sikur District, East Lombok Regency. This research uses a descriptive method. Determination of the sample area is done by puposive sampling method. The number of respondents was determined by a quota sampling of 40 chilli farmers. The results showed that: (1) The average large chili production was 12,245 kg / ha; (2) The risk of large chili production is relatively high with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.51; (3) Factors that increase the risk of positive production or opportunity are manure, growth regulators, and irrigation intensity. Whereas seeds, chemical fertilizers, and the intensity of HPT attacks are factors that reduce the risk of positive production or opportunity. Factors that increase the risk of negative production are chemical fertilizers, irrigation intensity, and pest plant disease attack intensity. Whereas seeds, manure, and growth regulators are factors that reduce the risk of negative production. Recommendations for handling production risks to increase the risk of positive production (opportunity), namely by reducing the amount of use of seeds, chemical fertilizers, increasing the amount of use of manure, growth regulators, irrigation intensity, and controlling pest plant disease properly. Whereas recommendations to reduce the risk of negative production are to increase the amount of use of seeds, manure, growth regulators, reduce the amount of use of chemical fertilizers, irrigation intensity, and control pest plant disease properly.


  • This study aims to: (1) determine the production of large chili farming in Sikur Subdistrict, East Lombok Regency; (2) analyzing production risk in large chili farming in Sikur District, East Lombok Regency; (3) analyzing the factors that affect production risk in large chilli farming in Sikur District, East Lombok Regency; (4) determine recommendations for handling production risks in large chili farming in Sikur District, East Lombok Regency

  • The results showed that: (1) The average large chili production was 12,245 kg / ha; (2) The risk of large chili production is relatively high with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.51; (3) Factors that increase the risk of positive production or opportunity are manure, growth regulators, and irrigation intensity

  • Recommendations for handling production risks to increase the risk of positive production, namely by reducing the amount of use of seeds, chemical fertilizers, increasing the amount of use of manure, growth regulators, irrigation intensity, and controlling pest plant disease properly

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Menghitung produktivitas cabai besar

Sumber: Data primer diolah (2020) Berdasarkan Tabel 1 rata-rata jumlah produksi cabai besar di Kecamatan Sikur Kabupaten Lombok Timur pada musim kemarau dan musim hujan masing-masing sebesar 18.311 kg/ha dan 6.179 kg/ha. Jumlah produksi cabai besar pada musim kemarau dan musim hujan yang diperoleh masing-masing responden mengalami fluktuasi. Produktivitas rata-rata atau produktivitas harapan merupakan produktivitas yang diharapkan oleh petani cabai besar di Kecamatan Sikur Kabupaten Lombok Timur yaitu sebesar 12.245 kg/ha. Semakin besar fluktuasi produksi cabai besar, maka semakin besar nilai koefisien variasi (Coefficient Variation) sehingga ketidakpastian atau risiko produksi juga semakin besar. Semakin kecil fluktuasi produksi cabai besar, maka semakin kecil nilai koefisien variasi (Coefficient Variation) sehingga ketidakpastian atau risiko produksi juga semakin kecil. Berdasarkan Tabel 2 dapat dilihat bahwa risiko produksi pada usahatani cabai besar tergolong tinggi yang dilihat dari nilai koefisien variasi (Coefficient Variation) >. Berikut ini akan dijelaskan bagaimana hubungan atau pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen

Pengaruh Jumlah Bibit terhadap Variance Produktivitas Positif dan Risiko
Pupuk Kandang
Zat Pengatur Tumbuh
Intensitas Pengairan
Intensitas Serangan Hama dan Penyakit
Pupuk Kimia
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