
Ikan Discus (Symphysodon sp.) merupakan salah satu komoditi ikan hias air tawar yang memiliki potensi untuk dibudidayakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi kelayakan usaha larva ikan Discus dengan fokus pada pengembangan larva ikan menggunakan pakan alami. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode “Deskriptif komparatif”. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ekonomi yang dilakukan mulai dari Asumsi, Total Biaya sebesar Rp. 4.689.667. Hasil Penjualan Per Siklus sebesar Rp. 6.000.000. Laba per siklus sebesar Rp.1.310.333. BEP memperoleh hasil Rp. 3.239.466 dan BEP unit sebanyak 65 Ekor. Berdasarkan analisis usahanya, maka budidaya larva ikan discus dapat dikatakan layak dilakukan dan berpotensi untuk di kembangkan, karena dapat memberikan keuntungan yang baik. Discus fish have developed rapidly among ornamental fish enthusiasts, both on a small scale and in the ornamental fish industry and have a critical point for fish larvae in the form of a transitional phase from the period of care by the parents to the stage of separation from the parents, due to their habit of eating the mucus produced by the parents as the main food for the fish larvae. The nutritional needs of discus fish larvae must be met to support the growth and success of this fish farming by meeting the nutritional needs of fish larvae using natural food. Moina sp. is one of the natural feeds that can be used in the rearing period of discus fish larvae, and it can be improved the quality by enrichment method using HUFA and ascorbic acid because it was the most important nutrient elements in feed which affects growth and survival. The purpose of this study was to determine the combination of doses of Moina sp. natural feed enrichment.

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