
Timor deer (Rusa timorensis) is a type of tropical deer originating from Java, which has afairly wide distribution in Indonesia. Rusa Island is one of the areas in Alor Regency which has afairly large forest area and can provide a source of food or animal needs so that it becomes ahabitat for Timor deer. This study aims to determine the level of population density anddistribution of the Timor deer (Rusa timorensis) in the Rusa Island Nature Park. The datacollection method used in this research is the concentration count method. Observations weremade at a point as a place for animal encounters, then along the observation point the number ofdeer individuals found was recorded with 2 times of observation, namely morning and afternoon.The data obtained were analyzed using the formula for density or abundance, sex ratio, analysisof vegetation and distribution. The results showed that the number of Timor deer populationencounters at the Pulau Rusa TWA was 26 with 11 males and 15 females with a density of 1.17tails/ha. In terms of sex ratio, the population structure of the deer shows that the ratio of male andfemale deer is balanced because there are more female deer than males. The distribution of Timordeer (Rusa timorensis) in the area is influenced by vegetation and TWA. Deer Island has a savannahabitat type and several types of plants that can be used as shelter.

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