
Every day transaction activities between companies and consumers continue to be carried out. This makes transaction data more and more and accumulate. This transaction data can be processed into more useful information using technology. Data mining is a technology that can work on a collection of transaction data into information that can be taken by companies as decision makers. The association rule method is used as a method to see the relationship between items in a transaction data. To analyze transaction data, researchers used the FP-Growth and Eclat algorithms. There are three stages of association in this study which are distinguished from the confidence value. The results in the first stage have a minimum confidence value of 0.4, the FP-Growth algorithm produces 41 association pattern rules, while the Eclat algorithm produces 32 association pattern rules. Then in the second stage the minimum trust value is 0.5, the FP-Growth algorithm produces 40 association pattern rules, for the Eclat algorithm it produces 32 association pattern rules. In the third stage, the minimum trust value is 0.6, the FP-Growth algorithm generates 32 association pattern rules, while the Eclat algorithm generates 30 association pattern rules. The results of the association pattern rules show that the Eclat algorithm is more efficient in determining the association pattern rules than the Fp-Growth algorithm

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