
AbstractThis thesis is entitled “Analysis of the Development of Savings and Loans BusinessCooperatives for Civil Servants, Tanjungpura University. The method used isdescriptive method. The form of the research is qualitative description. Datacollection techniques in this study are: direct communication with data collectiontools, interview guides, direct observation with data collection tools, observationsheets, documentary studies with data collection tools, Cooperative data archives.With the results of the study as follows: 1) That the development of the savings andloan business of the Public Servant Cooperative of the University of TanjungpuraPontianak for the period 2017-2019, has seen an increase in the growth of theremaining operating results from year to year where in 2017 it increased by 19%and then experienced an increase of 19%. increase in 2019 by 30%,. 2) Whereas theefforts made by the management in developing the existing businesses at the PublicServant Cooperative of Tanjungpura University Pontianak, while the efforts madeare by developing capital, managerial skills, improving the performance of themanagement and participation of members. 3) Whereas there are 2 factors thatinfluence the development of the efforts of the Public Servant Cooperative atTanjungpura University, Pontianak, namely internal factors in the form of factors,namely capital development, managerial skills, management performance andmember participation, while external factors are caused by the motivation of thecooperative community, supervision from the cooperative supervisory body. andcaused by the system of infrastructure, services, education and counseling.Keyword : Analysis of Savings and Loan Business Development, TanjungpuraUniversity Civil Servant Cooperative.


  • PENDAHULUAN Kegiatan simpan pinjam koperasi dapat meningkatkan permodalan pada koperasi itu sendiri

  • With the results of the study as follows: 1) That the development of the savings and loan business of the Public Servant Cooperative of the University of Tanjungpura Pontianak for the period 2017-2019, has seen an increase in the growth of the remaining operating results from year to year where in 2017 it increased by 19% and experienced an increase of 19%. increase in 2019 by 30%,. 2) Whereas the efforts made by the management in developing the existing businesses at the Public Servant Cooperative of Tanjungpura University Pontianak, while the efforts made are by developing capital, managerial skills, improving the performance of the management and participation of members

  • 3) Whereas there are 2 factors that influence the development of the efforts of the Public Servant Cooperative at Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, namely internal factors in the form of factors, namely capital development, managerial skills, management performance and member participation, while external factors are caused by the motivation of the cooperative community, supervision from the cooperative supervisory body. and caused by the system of infrastructure, services, education and counseling

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Kantor wilayah Departemen Koperasi dan PKK Propinsi Kalimanta Barat dengan

Undang tersebut mencerminkan bahwa usaha koperasi merupakan kegiatankegiatan koperasi yang dilaksanakan untuk kepentingan dan kebutuhan anggota dengan tujuan memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan anggota koperasi itu sendiri. Berdasarkan pengertian tersebut koperasi simpan pinjam yang melakukan usaha penyimpanan dan peminjaman uang untuk keperluan para anggotanya dan khusus menyediakan dana bagi anggota yang memerlukan dana dengan bunga yang rendah utuk tujuan produktif dan kesejahteraan. Begitu juga halnya dengan Koperasi Pegawai Negeri Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak adalah salah satu koperasi yang memfokuskan pada usaha simpan pinjam. Aktivitas Koperasi Pegawai Negeri Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak adalah simpan pinjam yaitu dengan memberi keleluasaan bagi para anggota untuk menyimpan dana dalam bentuk tabungan untuk kesejahteraan anggota supaya dapat memanfaatkan pendapatannya dengan sebaik mungkin, dan menyalurkan kredit kepada anggota dalam bentuk pinjaman untuk menambah modal koperasi. Adapun permasalahan yang timbul berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah penulis kemukakan, maka yang menjadi permasalahan utamanya adalah “Bagaimana Perkembangan Usaha Simpan

Pegawai Negeri Universitas Tanjungpura
Kperasi Pegawai Negeri Universitas
Perkembangan usaha simpan pinjam
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