
This study aims to determine the differences in income and determine the feasibility of a 2: 1 to 4: 1 jowo legowo planting system in rice farming. The form of this research is a quantitative study with survey and observation methods in the field. The population in this study was the community of paddy rice farmers in 3 villages namely Siamporik village, Gunung Melayu village and Siduadua village in Kualuh Selatan District of North Labuhanbatu Regency and purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the legowo row 2: 1 with 4: 1 planting systems were significantly different in terms of static income, the average income of Jarwo 2: 1 farmers was 14,315,331 and Jarwo 4: 1 was 13,863,238 with R / C Jarwo 2: 1 ratio of 1,247 and Jarwo 4: 1 of 1,204, for Jarwo 2: 1 BEP analysis 4,970 and Jarwo 4: 1 BEP analysis of 5,065.


  • Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pendapatan dan mengetahui kelayakan usahatani padi sawah system tanam jajar legowo 2 : 1 dengan 4 : 1. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survey dan pengamatan di lapangan

  • This study aims to determine the differences in income and determine the feasibility of a 2: 1 to 4: 1 jowo legowo planting system in rice farming

  • The population in this study was the community of paddy rice farmers in 3 villages namely Siamporik village, Gunung Melayu village and Siduadua village in Kualuh Selatan District of North Labuhanbatu Regency and purposive sampling technique

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Kualuh Selatan Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara

The Analysis of Difference in Income of Rice Field Cultivation System for Jajar Legowo 2: 1 with 4 : 1 in South Kualuh Subdistrict, North Labuhanbatu Regency. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pendapatan dan mengetahui kelayakan usahatani padi sawah system tanam jajar legowo 2 : 1 dengan 4 : 1. Populasi dalam Penelitian ini adalah masyarakat petani padi sawah di 3 desa yaitu desa Siamporik, desa Gunung Melayu dan Desa Siduadua di Kecamatan Kualuh Selatan Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara dan teknik pengambilan sampel secara purposive. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem tanam jajar legowo 2 : 1 dengan 4 : 1 berbeda nyata dalam hal pendapatan secara statisitik, rata-rata pendapatan petani Jarwo 2 : 1 sebesar 14.315.331 dan Jarwo 4 : 1 sebesar 13.863.238 dengan R/C Ratio Jarwo 2 : 1 sebesar 1,247 dan Jarwo 4 : 1 sebesar 1,204, untuk analisis BEP Jarwo 2 : 1 sebesar 4.970 dan analisis BEP Jarwo 4 : 1 sebesar 5.065.

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