
Rating is a form of assessment of the likes or dislikes of a user or customer for an item. Where the higher the rating number given, the item is preferred by customers or users. In the recommendation engine, a set of ratings can be predicted and used as an object to generate a recommendation by the Collaborative Filtering method. In the Collaborative Filtering method, there is a rating prediction model, namely the Matrix Factorization and K-Nearest Neighbor models. This study analyzes the comparison of the two prediction models based on the value of Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and the prediction results generated using the movielens film rating dataset. From the analysis and testing results, it was found that MAE = 0.6371 and RMSE = 0.8305 for the Matrix Factorization model, while MAE = 0.6742 and RMSE = 0.8863 for the K-Nearest Neighbor model. The best model is Matrix Factorization because the MAE and RMSE values are lower than the K-Nearest Neighbor model and have the closest predicted rating results from the original rating value.

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