
Social media has a big role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a forum for conveying information both in the form of facts and doctrine to the general public. The alignment of an individual or a country can be reflected through what they present on social media. In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Edward W Said's theory of orientalism can be seen from the Balfour Declaration in 1917 which was interpreted as a manifestation of orientalism. The aim of this research is to analyze orientalist patterns in social media representations of Israel and Palestine. The method used by researchers in this research is the content analysis method. The research subjects used are ordinary people who have the power to convey their defense on social media. This research focuses on Israeli and Palestinian society by using social media as a tool in obtaining data. The result of this research is that orientalism in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be identified through history, political actions and societal views which often reflect Western dominance and views of superiority towards the East. It can be concluded that in the context of the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, the role of social media is becoming increasingly significant, and algorithms on these platforms can play an important role in shaping people's views and attitudes.

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