
Inventory is important to be prepared by the company, a good inventory management can accelerate the company performance, minimize the inventory costs and anticipating demand for goods that are fluctuating. The purpose of this study is to see the inventory control system at the Piaggio Vespa Nusa Dua and to see whether the inventory control system that is being implemented is efficient or not. The data used in this study are quantitative and qualitative data obtained through interviews and observations related to the inventory management. This research uses descriptive analysis technique which explains the ABC analysis methods, determines EOQ, calculates Safety Stock, calculates Reorder Point, calculates inventory, calculates inventory turnover and calculates the total cost of inventory. Based on the results of the analysis that does not show that the total costs by using the company's system is Rp. 139,799,338. Meanwhile, by using the EOQ method the total cost is Rp. 112,423,730. This shows that the inventory control system implemented by the company is not efficient, because using the EOQ method the total costs that can save by the company amounting Rp. 27,375,608.
 Keywords: inventory, ABC analysis, economic order quantity

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