
Good quality in the production process, with predetermined standards will minimize damaged products. The study was conducted at UD. Sari Luwih is a manufacturing and trading company that processes and sells salted egg products. This study aims to determine the quality control system of salted egg production processes at UD. Sari Luwih is optimal or not. Research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The sampling method is by census technique. The data used in this study, is the data on the number of damaged salted egg products in the period from October to November 2019 with a sample of 37,500 eggs saturated. The analysis technique used is statistical quality control (SQC) using Check sheets, P-charts, Fishbone diagrams, and Quality cost. The results of the analysis using the P-chart show the amount of product damage that is beyond the control limits and requires more control, whereas for quality costs in 2019, the company's actual cost of quality is Rp. 21,210,696.89 is greater than the optimum quality cost where the cost is Rp. 17,389,652.10 shows that the cost of quality control has not yet reached the optimal level.
 Keywords: quality cost; quality; statistical quality control; SQC.


  • Good quality in the production process, with predetermined standards will minimize damaged products

  • This study aims to determine the quality control system of salted egg production processes at UD

  • E-Jurnal Manajemen, Vol 9, No 6, 2020 : 2332-2351 Improvement of Assembly Line 1 Process Using Quality Control Statistics (SQC) at PT

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Terdapat tujuh kriteria yang dibagi menjadi dua sub bagian yaitu dari bahan baku dan dari hasil produksi di mana kriteria-kriteria tersebut seperti cangkang telur bebek yang retak, telur yang busuk atau tidak segar, bentuk telur bebek tidak lonjong dan rongga telur yang besar sedangkan untuk produk jadi terdiri dari cangkang telur asin yang rusak, berbau busuk atau tidak segar dan waktu pengasinan untuk telur dibawah dua minggu. Terdapat 129 butir telur bebek rusak yang tidak memiliki bentuk lonjong. Terdapat 51 butir telur bebek yang rusak akibat rongga telur yang besar. Sebanyak 247 butir telur bebek yang tidak segar. Dari segi telur asin atau telur bebek yang sudah melalui tahap pengasinan terdapat 33 butir telur asin yang retak setalah proses pengasinan, dan 33 butir telur asin yang tidak segar.

Batas Kendali
Perbandingan Biaya Aktual Perusahaan dengan Biaya Optimum Perusahaan
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