
PT Cheil Jedang Feed And Care - Plant Serang is a company that operates in the field of cattle feed manufacturing and produces three kinds of feed for cattle: poultry feed, shrimp feed, and aqua feed. (pakan ternak ikan). With a production capacity of 271,308 per year. By 2022, it was 224.991,45 tons, with a defective number of 1.540,30 tons, or the equivalent of 0,7% of total production. In an effort to minimize the result of the defective product that occurs when the production process takes place in a company, a company needs strong commitment in carrying out the quality control process. The DMAIC method is used and assisted by some tools based on the existing data, and then improvement can be done with the six-sigma methodology that includes define, measure, analyze, improve, and control. After the improvement has been achieved, there is a decrease in the number of teams implementing the DMAIC method. It can be clearly seen that the original defect in the course of the year 1 January to December 2022 reached 1.540,30 MT of total production of 224.991,45 MT, which is 0,7% of the produced defect, and the path has passed the tolerance limit established by the company of 0.6%. After implementation of the method, DMAIC gives very significant results. Such things can be observed by reducing the defect number by 0.3% of the total production of 65.300,15 MT, even though it has not been implemented during the year from January to August 2023

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