
The aim of this research is to identify characteristics of Pekalongan city as priority zone. Those characteristics are high growth and high income, leading sector, and interrelatedness economy with other region. For this purpose, it’s used by analysis tool : Klassen Tipology, Location Quotient ( LQ ), Growth Ratio Model (GRM), Overlay, Shift Share, and Gravity Model. The results show that Pekalongan city in the classify low growth and high income region. By using LQ analysis that in Pekalongan City there are almost all sectors in Pekalongan City are leading sectors, except agriculture sector and industry sector, but by using overlay and shift share analys show those true sectors have competitive advantage and specialize two sectors only, they are trading sector and finance sector. By using gravity model to describe there are belong to related fervent by closeness trend increasing expanded as miter cooperate in area developing, they are Batang Regency and Pekalongan Regency. By all account have done. They can be taken conclusion that’s decisioned Pekalongan city as Region key or less appropriate. Although if were observerd by some leading sector or there are related economy among decision area Pekalongan City it’s appropriate. Keywors: Priority zone, Klassen Tipology, Overlay, Gravity Model

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