
The development of e-learning system ini companies is very important in the learning process and training of employees or agents to achieve company goals. Like at PT. Global Infotech solution where the learning process still uses manuals so that it hinders learning because to hold training is quite large ini incurring costs for agents who are outside the region. Therefore companies need an e-learning system to help the employee agent learning process to be more affective. E-learning system have been developed and implemented using the moodle platform, which is one of the learning management system. The development method used is the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Implementation, Evaluation) model so that it is faster ini developing an e-learning system platform according to user needs in the company. The results of the e-learning system research were assessed through employee agent responses from the learning aspect of 84.75% with a good category, seen from the display aspect of 86.05% with the very good category, seen from the aspect of the e-learning system using the Moodle platform of 80, 32% with a good category, and the last one seen from the material aspect in the e-learning system with an interesting concept of 89.82% with the very good category. So the overall assessment of the quality of the e-learning system as a whole is 85.25 with a good category. With this e-learning system, the learning process will be more efficient in displaying learning information needed by company agents in a web-based form and can be accessed by users online as long as they are connected to the internet.


  • The development of e-learning system ini companies is very important in the learning process and training of employees or agents to achieve company goals

  • incurring costs for agents who are outside the region

  • an e-learning system platform according to user needs in the company

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Dengan memanfaatkan kecanggihan teknologi informasi, sistem manajemen pengetahuan di perusahaan dapat digunakan secara efisien dan efektif untuk proses pembelajaran itu sendiri. Moodle juga adalah software open source yang mendukung implementasi e-learning dimana fitur-fitur moodle yang ada dipakai untuk menunjang pembelajaran suatu agent perusahaan. Nirsal(2019),populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sekolah menengah atas yang mengatakan Kevalidan pada media pembelajaran berbasis e-learning diperoleh dari validasi instrumen yang dilakukan oleh validator ahli media dan ahli materi. Dikarenakan perusahaan mempunyai banyak cabang sehingga biaya yang dikeluarkan perusahaan untuk mengadakan 1 event training cukup besar, mulai dari biaya transportasi hingga biaya penginapan bagi agent yang berada di luar daerah dan hanya dibagikan melalui social media. Dengan melihat masalah yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan PT.Global Infotech Solution, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan system e-learning bernama “Belajar DNAku.id” menggunakan software moodle dengan metode pengembangan ADDIE Model. Sehingga nantinya system elearning ini dapat membantu dan mempermudah inclass training perusahaan dalam melakukan pembelajaran bagi agent Perusahaan dan apabila system e-learning tersebut sudah dikembangkan dan diimplementasikan maka perusahaan dapat melakukan efisiensi yang cukup besar dan berdampak baik bagi perusahaan

Teknik Analisis Data
Penerapan Metode ADDIE Model Dalam System E-elearning
Hasil Penelitian
Use Case Implementasi E-Learning
Impelementasi Program
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