
T he government implemented the Village Fund program order to develop the economy of the small region. The allocation of village funds is expected to increase equitable development of village welfare through improving public services the village, advancing the village economy, overcoming the development gap between villages and strengthening village communities as subjects of development. So this study a research title is Analysis of Village Fund Management as One of the Objectives of the Nawacita Program Building Indonesia from the Outskirts in the District of Bener, Purworejo Regency 2016. Village Fund (DD) is a fund given to the Village Government to be used to improve community service facilities, institutional and village infrastructure needed and prioritized by the community, whose utilization and administration of management is carried out and can be accounted for by the Village Head. The priority of using Village Funds is to fund programs or activities the field of rural development and empowerment of rural communities. This research was conducted Bener District, Purworejo Regency. This study aims to: (1) To find out the contribution of village funds to the development of rural areas Bener sub-district, Purworejo district. (2) To analyze the use of village funds by the village government Bener sub-district, Purworejo district. (3) To find out obstacles rural development related to village funds. With this result, efforts must be made especially for village governments Bener District to pay more attention to community involvement managing Village Funds.

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