
Based on the phenomenon of gap that Bank of Indonesia issued new regulations on the valuation level of banking performance using Risk Based Bank Rating Methode SEBI No. 13/24/DPNP/2011 and the research gap that occured differences in the results of research. This study aimed to analyze the effect of NPL (Non Performing Loan), NIM (Net Interest Margin), LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio) ROA (Operating Expenses to Operating Income), CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), NOP (Net Open Position), and Good Corporate Governance toward the level of financial performance of banks as measured by ROA (Return on Assets).. The population that was used in this research is the Commercial Bank in Indonesia. The samples used were 20 commercial banks in Indonesia (period 2008-2012).Research using purposive sampling method for taking samples and analysis method that was used is multiple linear regression. Based on the results of testing using multiple linear regression analysis, it can be noted that Return On Assets influenced by NPL, NIM, LDR, BOPO, CAR, PDN, and GCG, it can be seen from the results of the partial test (t-test), determination of coefficients test, and the simultaneous significance tests (f-test). The results showed that the variables NPL , NIM , CAR , and ROA significantly influence the level of financial performance of banking (ROA) but LDR , PDN , and GCG have no significant effect on the level of financial performance of banking (ROA). Keywords: Bank Financial Performance , NPL, NIM, LDR, BOPO, CAR, PDN, GCG, ROA, RBBR

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