
Islamic banking has an important role in stimulating the economy because of the intermediaryfunction performed. Improved economy is reflected in the value of the Gross Regional DomesticProduct (GRDP) of an area / region. Distribution of funding performed Islamic banking is givenbased on the purpose and use of the funds are classified into financing for working capital,investment and consumption. This research was to determine (1) the effect of the growth ofworking capital financing (MK), investment (I), and consumption in Islamic commercial bankingon growth GRDP West Kalimantan. (2) Determine which variables are the most dominantinfluence on GRDP growth in West Kalimantan. Sources of data working capital financing,investment and consumption of Islamic banking statistics obtained from Bank Indonesia whilethe GRDP data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Kalimantan. The analyticalmethods used were multiple linear regression with a significance level of 0.05. The results of thisresearch indicate that (1) the growth of working capital financing, investment and consumptionin Islamic commercial banking simultaneously the effect on the GRDP growth in WestKalimantan. Partially, on the financing of investment and consumption variables there aresignificant positive effect on GRDP growth West Kalimantan. However, variable financing forworking capital of individual negative and not significant. 2) The most dominant variable effecton the GRDP growth is financing consumption, followed by financing investment and workingcapital. The value of the coefficient of determination Adjusted R2 of 0.489, it means that thefinancing of working capital, investment, and consumption of Islamic commercial banking affectGRDP growth of 48.9 percent. While the rest influenced by other variables not included in thisstudy.


  • Islamic banking has an important role in stimulating the economy because of the intermediary function performed

  • Improved economy is reflected in the value of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of an area / region

  • Distribution of funding performed Islamic banking is given based on the purpose and use of the funds are classified into financing for working capital, investment and consumption

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Bank Islam (islamic banking) atau selanjutnya disebut dengan bank syariah adalah bank yang menjalankan kegiatan usahanya berdasarkan prinsip syariah. Pada tahun 2013, pertumbuhan ekonomi Kalimantan Barat lebih tinggi dibanding dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi secara nasional sebesar 5,78 persen. Perkembangan penyaluran pembiayaan (financing) perbankan umum syariah di Kalimantan Barat mengalami pertumbuhan yang tinggi. Dilihat dari penghimpunan dana pihak ketiga (DPK), jumlah dana pihak ketiga yang berhasil dihimpun bank umum syariah di Kalimantan Barat hingga akhir tahun 2013 mencapai 1.598 Miliar atau mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 21,52 persen dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Pada tahun 2013, Jumlah pembiayaan yang disalurkan terhadap dana pihak ketiga mencapai 153,64 persen, atau lebih tinggi dibanding tahun sebelumnya sebesar 132,34 persen. Hal ini tercermin dari rasio pembiayaan tidak lacar (non performing financing) perbankan umum syariah di Kalimantan Barat tercatat sebesar 0,71 persen pada tahun 2013, atau meningkat 0,14 persen dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu peranan pembiayaan bank dalam dunia usaha sangat penting, Karena sebagian besar kegiatan usaha didanai oleh pembiayaan bank

Konsep Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
Penelitian Sebelumnya
Hasil Uji Model
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