
ABSTRAKPersaingan global dan pesatnya perubahan teknologi telah menciptakan turbulensi lingkunganbisnis, yang kemudian memicu ketidakpastian bisnis. Di sisi lain, komposisi keluarga dan tenagakerja mengalami perubahan, seperti adanya wanita karir, dan suami istri yang sama-sama bekerja.Hal ini akan berdampak pada kehidupan kerja dan keluarga mereka. Agar kinerja karyawan tidakterganggu, beberapa perusahaan mulai menawarkan pengaturan kerja fleksibel bagi karyawannya.Melalui penelitian ini akan diketahui bagaimana pengaruh pengaturan kerja fleksibel terhadapkonflik kerja-ke-keluarga dan intensi keluar yang dimediasi oleh supportive work-family culture.Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui survei yang disebarkan kepada para karyawan yang bekerjasecara fleksibel dari berbagai sektor industri di Indonesia. Tercatat sebanyak 113 responden telahikut berpartisipasi dalam survei ini. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode hierarchical regressionsdan sobel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan kerja fleksibel dapat menurunkankonflik kerja-ke-keluarga dan intensi keluar. Pengaruh ini ikut disebabkan oleh supportive workfamily culture yang terbentuk ketika pengaturan kerja fleksibel diberlakukan di perusahaan.Kata kunci: pengaturan kerja fleksibel, konflik kerja-ke-keluarga, intensi keluar, supportivework family culture.ABSTRACTGlobal competition and rapid changes in technology has created turbulence of the businessenvironment, which then triggers business uncertainty. On the other hand, family and laborcomposition changed, such as the career woman, and the husband and wife who are both working.This will impact on the life of workers and their families. In order the employees performance arenot disturbed, some companies began to offer flexible work arrangements for their employees.Through this research will be known how the influence of flexible work arrangements on work-tofamilyconflict and turnover intentions mediated by supportive work-family culture. The researchdata are collected through a survey, distributed to the employees who work flexibly from variousindustrial sectors in Indonesia. As many as 113 respondents have participated in this survey. Thedata are analyzed using hierarchical regressions and sobel. The results showed that flexible workarrangements can reduce work-to-family conflict and turnover intentions. These influences comebecause supportive work family culture are formed when flexible work arrangements applied at thecompany.Keywords: flexible work arrangements, work-to-family conflict, turnover intentions, supportivework-family culture

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