
This study analyzes the influence of leadership, organizational culture, and Communication on job satisfaction and its impact on employee performance at PT. Usaha Makalingga Mandiri, Jakarta. The research was conducted using survey methods, samples, and questionnaires as the primary data collection tool, and the subjects were 100 respondents. The method of analysis uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM) for hypothesis testing. The results showed that 1) Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Communication directly positively affect Job Satisfaction. 2) Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Communication positively or indirectly affect employee performance through job satisfaction as a mediating variable. 3) Job Satisfaction partially mediates the influence of Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Communication on Employee Performance. 4) Leadership is the variable with the greatest influence on job satisfaction and employee performance. Increased job satisfaction will have an impact in the form of increased employee performance.


  • 3) Job Satisfaction partially mediates the influence of Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Communication on Employee Performance

  • 4) Leadership is the variable with the greatest influence on job satisfaction and employee performance

  • Increased job satisfaction will have an impact in the form of increased employee performance

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Berdasarkan teori dan penelitian terdahuli, maka dirumuskan hipotesis sebagai berikut : H1 : Kepemimpinan secara langsung berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja. D).Membentuk perilaku dengan membantu manajer merasakan keberadaannya.Teori ini didukung oleh penelitian (Widyawatiningrum et al, 2015), (Chang & Lee, 2007) yang menyatakan bahwa budaya organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan kerja. Berdasarkan teori dan penelitian terdahulu, maka dirumuskan hipotesis sebagai berikut : H2 : Budaya Organisasi secara langsung berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja. Berdasarkan teori dan penelitian terdahulu, maka dirumuskan hipotesis sebagai berikut : H3 : Komunikasi secara langsung berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja. Berdasarkan teori dan penelitian terdahulu, maka dirumuskan hipotesis sebagai berikut : H7 : Kepuasan Kerja secara langsung berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

Populasi dan Sampel
Metode Pengukuran Data
Metode Analisis
Instrumen Penelitian
Baik Baik Marjinal Marjinal Kurang Baik Kurang Baik
Pengujian Hipotesis Dircet Effect
Pengujian Hipotesis Indircet Effect
Keterbatasan dan Saran
Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Melalui Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel
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