
ABSTRAK This research entitled Analysis of Influence Number of Business Unit, Investment and Minimum Wage on Labor Absorption in Sector Large and Medium Manufacturing industry in Surabaya The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Number of Business Unit, Investment and Minimum Wage Against Employment Absorption In Sector Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry in Surabaya City. Types and data sources used a quantitative approach with secondary data in the form of time series data for the 2005-2014 observation period. The research variables consist of dependent variable that is the absorption of manpower in sector large and medium manufacturing industry (Y). The independent variables are the number of business units (X 1 ), Investment (X 2 ) and Minimum Wage (X 3 ). Data analysis tools using multiple linear regression method. Based on multiple linear regression analysis obtained result: Y= 133199,868 + 42,414 X 1 -0,001 X 2 -0,031 X 3 + e. Testing simultaneously obtained value f hitung 52,198 > f tabel  5,79. Obtained also t hitung of business unit amounted to 0,835, investment equal to -0,251 and minimum wage equal to -2,898. Thus Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. The conclusion of this research shows that the Number of Business Unit, Investment and Minimum Wage Affect Against Manpower Absorption In Sector Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry in Surabaya City. And the variables that have significant effect on the absorption of manpower in the large and medium industry sector in Surabaya City is the Minimum Wage variable.  Keyword : Total Business Units, Investments, Minimum Wages And Employment Planning In The Principles Of Large And Medium Processing Industry

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