
“The Analysis Influence o f Inflation, Rupiah Exchange Rate s, External Debt, and Export in Foreign Exchange Reserves Indonesia ”. The main purpose this research is to measure the significant level of Inflation, Rupiah Exchange Rate s, External Debt, and Export on Foreign Exchange Reserve both Partially or Simoultanously . This reserach used Ordinary Least Square for the monthly data period of 2010-2015 (January-December) years by using time series data . Data analysis technique that was used in this research was the multipl e regression tests with the test of classic assumption ( Normality, Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity, and A utocorrelation) and Statistic test ( t tes, f test and coef ficient determination . The independent variable is Inflation, Rupiah Exchange Rate, External Debt, and Export while the dependent variable is Foreign Exchange Reserves. Based on the analysis, the researcher found simoultanously that Inflation, RupiahExchange Rates, External Debt and Export have significant effect to the Foreign Exchange Reserves. Partially, inflation did not give significant effect to the Foreign Exchange Reserves while RupiahExchange Rates, External Debt and Export have significant effect for Foreign Exchange Reserves. Result of coefficient determination analysis shown that R 2 was (0.912565) which means Foreign Exchange Reserves can be explained by Inflation, RupiahExchange Rates, External Debt, and Export (91.25%) while the rest (8.75%) can be explained by other variables which did not include to the variables of this research

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