
This research aims to know the influence of customer experience, sales promotion, customer satisfaction and re-purchase interest on Starbucks Coffee.The research was conducted in Pontianak City, using a sample size of 100 people.The sampling technique used is Non Probability Sampling by sampling method is Purposive Sampling.Data obtained by conducting online questionnaire and data analysis method with SEM-PLS using software WarpPLS 6.0 data analysis techniques used in the form of validity test, reliability test, model goodness test, T test and Sobel test.The results of this research show that the customer experience and sales promotion have positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction with a coefficient of determination value of 61%.Customer experience, sales promotions and customer satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on the interest of repurchase with a coefficient of determination of 54.2%.Customer satisfaction is capable of positively and significantly the impact of customer experience on repurchase interest with a P-value value of 0.002. Customer satisfaction does not efficiently and positively and significantly influence the sales promotion to a repurchase interest with a P-value of 0.127.Starbucks Coffee is expected to provide and improve the better service to its customers so as to create customer experience that is expected by the customer and provide a sales promotion that is in accordance with the expectations of consumers so as to have an impact on the interest in buying consumers at Starbucks Coffee in Pontianak.


  • This research aims to know the influence of customer experience

  • The research was conducted in Pontianak City

  • Data obtained by conducting online questionnaire and data analysis method with SEM-PLS using software WarpPLS 6.0 data analysis techniques used in the form

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Kerangka Konseptual

Hubungan Customer Experience dan Minat Beli Ulang (Repurchase Intention) Menurut Mowen & Minor (2002:84) berpendapat bahwa, pengalaman konsumsi dapat didefinisikan sebagai kesadaran dan perasaan yang dialami konsumen selama pemakaian produk atau jasa. Dengan adanya customer experience yang baik dari suatu perusahaan, dapat menyebabkan konsumen lebih yakin dan memutuskan untuk melakukan pembelian ulang suatu produk. Hasil penelitian Prastyaningsih Ayu Sari, Imam Suyadi & Edy Yulianto (2014) menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara kepuasan pelanggan terhadap minat beli ulang. Hasil penelitian Ni Luh Dian Yolandari dan Ni Made Wulandari Kusumadewi (2018) menunjukan bahwa kepuasan konsumen dapat memediasi pengaruh pengalaman pelanggan terhadap miat beli ulang. Ketika promosi penjualan yang dilakukan kepada pelanggan sesuai dengan harapan pelanggan, maka akan muncul kepuasan yang dirasakan sehingga timbulnya minat pembelian pada produk atau jasa yang pernah dibeli dan didasari atas Kepuasan Konsumen tersebut. Data diperoleh dengan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner online dan metode analisis data dengan SEM-PLS menggunakan software WarpPLS 6.0 Teknik analisis data yang digunakan berupa uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji kebaikan model,uji t dan uji sobel

Hasil Penelitian dan Pembahasan
Validitas Diskriminan
Uji Reliabilitas
Hasil Uji Hipotesis
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