
Abstract: The objective of this research was to find out students’ learning activity on Linear Equation System of Two Variables subject using Geogebra learning media, to find out if there was an increase in the students’ mathematic communication skills on Linear Equation System of Two Variables subject using Geogebra learning media, and to describe the students’ mathematic communication skills on Linear Equation System of Two Variables subject using Geogebra learning media. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Ngusikan. Based on the data in the school, the students’ mathematic communication skills was still low, so the use of Geogebra media was expected to increase students’ mathematic communication skills. This research applying qualitative research. The data were collected by tests and interview. To analyzing the students’ mathematic communication skills, the researcher did pre-test and post- test. The result showed that the application of Geogebra learning media can increase the students’ mathematic communication skills on Linear Equation System of Two Variables subject. It proved from the students work process in accordance with the indicators of students’ mathematic communication. Furthermore, the students’ mathematic communication skills will be described by the factors which include the learning process, students’ attitudes and comprehension, also giving question that can measure mathematical communication skills continuously.
 Keywords: Mathematic communication skills, Geogebra, Linier Equation System of Two Variable


  • Pendahuluan Matematika merupakan sumber dari ilmu-ilmu lain (Monalisa & trapsilasiwi, 2015; Faradina, Sunardi, & trapsilasiwi, 2016)

  • The objective of this research was to find out students' learning activity on Linear Equation System

  • This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Ngusikan

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Keterkaitan Media

Siswa diminta memahami soal menjelaskan secara lisan dan menginput data pada tempat yang telah tersedia. 2. Kemampuan memahami, menginterpretasikan, dan mengevaluasi ide-ide matematis baik secara lisan, tulisan, maupun. Memahami dan menginterpretasikan gagasan dengan menuliskan strategi dan langkah penyelesaian permasalahan secara runtut dan sistematis. Menjelaskan strategi dan langkah-langkah penyelesaian dari permasalahan dengan runtut dan sistematis. Siswa mengikuti prosedur yang ada pada media pembelajaran dan menjelaskan kembali secara tulisdan lisan. Mengevaluasi gagasan dengan menuliskan kesimpulan diakhir penyelesaian permasalahan. Mengevaluasi gagasan dengan mengungkapkan kesimpulan di akhir penyelesaian permasalahan. Menggunakan simbolsimbol matematika dalam menuliskan penyelesaian permasalahan. Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan komunikasi matematis siswa dalam pembelajaran tanpa dan menggunakan Geogebra pada materi SPLDV. Pada pendahuluan dilakukan studi pendahuluan tentang komunikasi matematis siswa dan Geogebra serta membuat perencanaan terkait penelitian yang akan dilaksanakan.

Kelompok Siswa
Nilai Tes
Daftar Pustaka
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