
Income Analysis of Klutuk Bananas at Puhu Village Payangan District Gianyar Regency
 This study aims to determine costs used, revenue and income of klutuk banana farming. The location of the research was determined purposively at Puhu Village, Payangan District, Gianyar Regency. The population in this study was klutuk banana farmers at Puhu Village, Payangan District, Gianyar Regency. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling method. Samples in this study were 55 respondents of farmers determined by using Slovin method. This research uses descriptive quantitative and qualitative to calculate income of klutuk banana cultivation at Puhu Village. The results of this study show that average farm income received by farmers was Rp 3,503,207 in the first year and in the second year at amount Rp 4,401,317. Technical obstacles experienced by farmers on klutuk banana farming at Puhu Village were the existence of green grasshopper and strong wind. Hindrance from the economic point of view was price fluctuations between wet and dry seasons.


  • This study aims to determine costs used, revenue and income of klutuk banana farming

  • The results of this study show that average farm income received by farmers was Rp 3,503,207 in the first year and in the second year at amount Rp 4,401,317

  • Technical obstacles experienced by farmers on klutuk banana farming at Puhu Village were the existence of green grasshopper and strong wind

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Rumusan Masalah

Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas dapat dirumuskan beberapa permasalahan sebagai berikut: 1. Berapakah besar pendapatan usahatani pisang klutuk bagi petani di Desa Puhu, Kecamatan Payangan, Kabupaten Gianyar. 2. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas dapat dirumuskan beberapa permasalahan sebagai berikut: 1. Berapakah besar pendapatan usahatani pisang klutuk bagi petani di Desa Puhu, Kecamatan Payangan, Kabupaten Gianyar. 2. Hambatan apakah yang dihadapi petani dalam berusahatani pisang klutuk di Desa.

Tujuan Penelitian
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Variabel Penelitian dan Pengukuran
Metode Analisis Data
Biaya variabel
Produksi dan penerimaan usahatani pisang klutuk
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Biaya tenaga kerja
Biaya total usahatani
Pendapatan petani pisang klutuk
Hambatan-hambatan Berusahatani Pisang Klutuk
Ucapan Terimakasih
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