
Rural and Urban Land and Building Tax is a tax on land and/or buildings owned, controlled, and/or utilized by individuals or entities, except areas used for plantation, forestry and mining business activities. Management of land and building taxes is handed over to regional governments since the enactment of law number 28 of 2009 concerning regional taxes and regional levies.Toimprove the accountability of regional financial management, especially from UN revenues, no later than January 1, 2014.PBB-P2 transfer is expected to increase regional own-source revenues (PAD) and at the same time improve the structure of the regional income and expenditure budget (APBD). The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze the process of collecting rural and urban land and building tax (PBB-P2) in Malalayang District. The type of research conducted is descriptive qualitative research.The results showed that the PBB-P2 collection process in Malalayang District in general had gone well although there were still some obstacles, such as the lack of awareness in paying PBB-P2 by taxpayers domiciled outside the region but having tax objects in the region, lack of available availability in PBB-P2 collection, different economic levels, also the absence of sanctions imposed by the government on taxpayers in paying taxes and lack of socialization from the local government. So that causes the target to be achieved has not met expectations in accordance with existing provisions.

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