
In late 2019 and early 2020 the world was shocked by the emergence of a disease caused by a virus. Virus is widely reported to have emerged from a Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan City, the Capital of Hubei Province, Central China. After COVID-19 has been designated as a pandemic outbreak in the World, the country is present as a guarantor of community needs in handling COVID-19 cases. Thus, this paper specifically discusses the financing of suspect patient care and positive confirmed patients for COVID-19 in Indonesia which is financed by the state through the state through Ministry of Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of writing this journal is to find out the policies and sources of funding for handling COVID-19 in Indonesia by the Central Government and the flow of services and referral for COVID-19 patients. The method used in this paper is literature review. The literature review is done by reading and analyzing and analyzing various literatures, both in the form of documents, journal data publications from The Finance Ministry and from the official website that releases information relevant to research. Data analysis is performed by reducing, classifying, interpreting, and drawing conclusions. Based on data distribution of cases up to April 5, 2020 the number of positive cases was 2,273 with mortality rates ranging from 8.7%, spread in 32 provinces out of a total of 34 provinces in Indonesia. Policies and anticipatory measures have been taken by the government, both at the central government, provincial, district and city governments in the effort to overcome this COVID-19 pandemic. The main step that has been taken by the government is the issuance of Government Regulation in Lieu of Perppu Law Number 1 Year 2020 concerning State policy and financial stability for handling the COVID-19 pandemic 19. Some problems handling COVID-19 patients at COVID-19 referral hospitals are the lack of availability of facilities and infrastructure such as the COVID-19 patient's special room, personal protective equipment for health workers, lack of human resources such as doctors, nurses who can work directly in serving and treating COVID-19 patients. The government through the Ministry of Health on 24 April 2020 has issued a circular number HK.02.01/Menkes/295/2020 regarding claims for reimbursing COVID-19 care costs by hospitals. Followed from the official website of the government namely indonesia.go.id, the claim refers to the applicable provisions in the decision of the minister of health number HK.01.07/MENKES/238/2020 about the technical guidelines for claiming reimbursement of certain infectious disease patient care costs for hospitals which organizes COVID-19 services. COVID-19 patient care costs in Indonesia are charged to the budget of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) so that if there are patients who have already paid, the hospital must return the fee. Government Policy and Financing Sources for Handling COVID-19 in Indonesia by the Central Government and the Flow of Claims for Suspended Patient Care and positive COVID-19 confirmation.

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