
The main objective of this research is based on the background and the formulation of the problem is to know in Simultaneous variable affinity, empathy, reciprocity and trust have some impact on user satisfaction PT.Asuransi Jiwa Beringin Jiwa Sejahtera Balikpapan. To determine which variable has dominant influence on user satisfaction PT.Asuransi Jiwa Beringin Jiwa Sejahtera Balikpapan. Based on the analysis and discussion of it can be put forward to a conclusion of the research is there is a strong relationship between variables and positive linkages, Empathy, Reciprocity, Trust to variable service user satisfaction PT.Asuransi Jiwa Beringin Jiwa Sejahtera Balikpapan with regression coefficient on all independent variables are positive; simultaneous test results proved that the linkage variable, Empathy, Reciprocity, Trust to variable service user satisfaction PT.Asuransi Jiwa Beringin Jiwa Sejahtera Balikpapan -proven and accepted and proven with simultaneous testing is to test F and the coefficient of determination (R square ) who showed a great influence. Based on the partial test results that trust is a variable that has dominant influence to variable service user satisfaction PT.Asuransi Jiwa Beringin Jiwa Sejahtera Balikpapan with partial test results and the t value koesfisen partial correlation value is greater in value than the value of the partial test of the fourth other independent variables. The belief that these four variables have a significant influence on service user satisfaction PT Asuransi Jiwa Jiwa Beringin Sejahtera Balikpapan. Keyword: variable affinity, Empathy, Reciprocity, Trust, and Satisfaction Services

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