
This research aimed to find out students’ conceptions and the student‘s factors that causing misconceptions on genetics material of XII grade science class at Pontianak City Senior High School of 2018/2019 Academic Year. The method used in this research was descriptive with survey form. The research sample was determined using a random sampling technique of 100 people. The research was conducted with the giving of twenty-four questions of diagnostic test in the form of essay which include four concepts that were genetics material, cell division, Mendel’s genetic law and mutation. The result showed that the students’ understanding was still low, with the percentage of 27.55%. Meanwhile, students who have misconceptions and not understanding were equal to 33.21% and 39.25% respectively. The result also showed that high frequencies misconceptions were Mendel’s genetic law and low frequencies misconceptions were mutation. The student‘s thinking factors causing misconceptions come from intuitive thinking (31%), incomplete reasons (27.5%), student ability (24.2%), cognitive development stage (8.8%), preconception (6,6%) and associative thinking (3.3%). Meanwhile, misconceptions come from humanistic thinking were not found

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