
The key challenge for the telecommunication business industry in the global world’s is “assuring competitiveness and profitability” for their companies in turbulent environments. Never in history has the pace of change in the business environment been as rapid as it is now. Recent developments such as the global marketplace, customers’ demands that are differentiated by different buying power and product preferences in this environment, technological leadership is one of the key success factor. New technologies and new industries develop rapidly and customers are prepared to pay for the most newest technology. The company’s strengths and successful strategies of the corporate leadership in the past are likely to remain relevant in the future. The research findings revealed that the turbulent environment level in the mobile telecommunication industry was in the discontinuous –strategic level, where the future is not extension of the past. This environment situation facing by Indonesia’s telecomunication industry need the corporate leadership to challenge the organisation survival. This research is based on the qualitative descriptive method by using data obtained from telecommunication industry experts and secondary data.


  • The key challenge for the telecommunication business industry in the global world’s is “assuring competitiveness and profitability” for their companies in turbulent environments

  • Never in history has the pace of change in the business environment been as rapid as

  • customers' demands that are differentiated by different buying power and product preferences in this environment

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Perkembangan sepuluh tahun terakhir di bidang information, communication dan telecommunication (ICT) menjadi dasar untuk lompatan yang lebih besar dan memberi dampak yang luas serta secara dramatis mengubah inovasi dunia. Industri telekomunikasi di Indonesia, khususnya para operator selular akan menghadapi peningkatan persaingan di antara para pemain, baik pemain lama, maupun baru yang mengakibatkan terbentuknya rancangan harga yang inovatif dan jumlah pelanggan prabayar yang meningkat dengan cepat. Kondisi tersebut mengakibatkan organisasi membutuhkan kemampuan dalam pengamatan, menyesuaikan diri secara sistematis dan berkesinambungan terhadap perubahan lingkungan organisasi bisnis, baik lingkungan internal, maupun eksternal. Bagaimana mungkin organisasi bisnis dapat menanggapi secara kreatif atas munculnya berbagai tantangan-tantangan baru seperti, berubahnya keinginan pelanggan atas produk dan jasa atau kecenderungan menurunnya pasar, tanpa pertama-tama menemukan sesuatu yang baru, kemudian mengubah cara-cara operasional yang merefleksikan pengetahuan baru. 1.2 Perumusan Masalah Berdasarkan uraian tersebut diatas, maka di rumuskan permasalahan penelitan, yaitu apa saja tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi organisasi bisnis telekomunikasi selular di Indonesia dan seberapa besar pengaruh lingkungan eksternal yang dihadapinya

Tujuan Penelitian
Manfaat Penelitian
Analisis Enviromental Scanning
Teknik Pemilihan Narasumber
Teknik Pengumpulan Data
Analisis Pakar Terhadap
Kebijakan Pemerintah
Industri Telekomunikasi
Analisis Lima Kekuatan Porter
Faktor kritis kesuksesan Inovasi
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