
Cropping patterning is an farming practice to obtain maximum production taking into account climatic conditions, soil and types of crops cultivated. This research, which was carried out in the Amahai Region, aimed to: (i) describe extreme climate events and (ii) determine the growing season and cropping patterns of food crops based on the length of the growing season available in the region. The analytical methods used consisted of: (i) determining extreme rainfall based on BMKG standards and ENSO History data, (ii) determining the planting season using the FAO method, and determining cropping patterns in conditions of extreme rainfall. The results showed that a very extreme El Nino event caused a decrease in rainfall in the Amahai region by 1,444 mm or 54% of its normal condition, on whereas a very extreme La Nina event caused an increase in rainfall by 1,528 mm or 60% of its normal condition. The growing season in the Amahai region under conditions of average (normal) and La Nina rainfall is throughout the year (12 months), and under conditions of extreme El Nino rainfall, the growing season lasts for 8 months and 26 days, 96 days shorter than normal conditions. In conditions of extreme El Nino rainfall, the cropping patterns that can be applied are sequential, monoculture, and polyculture/ intercropping.

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