
The growth rate of the traffic that is high resulting in congestion on the road network system. One of the government's efforts in addressing the issue with the build highways to reduce congestion, especially in large cities. One of the queuing phenomena that often occurs in the city of Semarang is the queue at the Toll Gate Muktiharjo, that the queue of vehicles coming to make toll payment. This study aims to determine how the service system at the Toll Gate Muktiharjo. This can be known by getting a queue system model and a measure of system performance from the distribution of arrival and service. The distribution of arrival and service are determined by finding the posterior distribution using the Bayesian method. The bayesian method combine the likelihood function of the sample and the prior distribution. The likelihood function is a negative binomial. The prior distribution used a uniform discrete. Based on the calculations and analysis, it can be concluded that the queueing system model at the Toll Gate Muktiharjo is a (Beta/Beta/5):(GD/∞/∞). The queue simulation obtained that the service system Toll Gate Muktiharjo is optimal based on the size of the system performance because busy probability is higher than jobless probability.

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