
Koperasi Peternak Galur Murni is a business in the field dairy farm that located in the Sumberbaru District, Jember Regency. This research aimed to determine: (1) identify the product flow, the financial flow and the information flow in supply chain of dairy cattle, (2) the performance in supply chain of dairy cattle, (3) the value added processing of dairy cattle. The research was deliberately condusted in Sumberbaru district Jember regency. The descriptive and analytical methods are applied in this research. Data analysis tools used are Supply Chain Operation Reference method and value added analysis with Hayami method. The result analysis showed that: (1) there are three flows in supply chain of dairy cattle in Jember Regency, that are the product flow, the financial flow and the information flow that is not optimal, (2) Measuring the performance in supply chain of dairy cattle in the Koperasi Peternak Galur Murni on the Reliability attribute and Responsiveness showed good performance. Then, the Agility attribute, Costs, and Assets show performance is not good. (3) Koperasi Peternak Galur Murni was able to provide a positive added value in the form of processed pasteur milk and yoghurt with the average added value of Rp 5.194,39 per liter with ratio 28,86% and processed yoghurt of Rp. 7.987,78 with ratio 36,31%.


  • PENDAHULUAN Peternakan sebagai salah satu subsektor dari sektor pertanian merupakan bidang usaha yang sangat penting dalam penyediaan protein hewani dan berperan dalam pembangunan sumber daya manusia (SDM)

  • Koperasi Peternak Galur Murni is a business in the field dairy farm

  • that located in the Sumberbaru District

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Biaya total penyampaian produk

Pengembalian asset tetap (Penerimaaan rantai pasokan - rantai pasokan biaya dikeluarkan) / asset tetap rantai pasokan. Aliran keuangan dari pedagang pengecer susu sapi ke Koperasi Peternak Galur Murni dikarenakan adanya transaksi jual beli baik dalam bentuk produk susu sapi dan produk olahan (susu pasteurisasi dan yoghurt) di Koperasi. Arus informasi dalam rantai pasokan susu sapi di Koperasi Peternak Galur Murni melibatkan semua mata rantai antara lain peternak, Koperasi, It’s Milk, pedagang pengecer susu sapi dan produk olahan, serta konsumen akhir. Aliran informasi yang mengalir dari Koperasi Peternak Galur Murni ke pedagang pengecer berkaitan dengan informasi produk, harga jual dan mekanisme transaksi penjualan bisa dilakukan dengan cara in order maupun tidak melakukan pemesanan terlebih dahulu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat tiga aliran yaitu aliran produk, aliran keuangan dan aliran informasi dalam rantai pasokan susu sapi perah di Koperasi Peternak Galur Murni. Hasil Analisis Kinerja Rantai Pasokan Produk Susu Sapi dan Olahan (susu pasteurisasi dan yoghurt) Atribut Kinerja

Pengembalian asset tetap rantai pasok
Nilai Tambah Pengolahan Susu Sapi Perah di Koperasi Peternak Galur Murni
Penerimaan dan keuntungan per liter susu sapi
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